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Legal Assistants

Our experienced legal assistants provide expertise in all aspects of estate administration ranging from the routine assembling of information to open the estate with the Register of Wills to the preparation and filing of complex federal and state estate and fiduciary income tax returns. The legal assistants at SPB work closely with the attorneys in a team-centered approach throughout the estate administration process combining skills and knowledge of post-death tax planning all with the goal of minimizing the tax and administrative burden to the client and family. SPB legal assistants provide a touch point for the surviving spouse and family members to help navigate administrative complexities and details during the difficult time following the death of a loved one.

Our Legal Assistants

Elizabeth M. Graef

Phone: 410-347-9569
Fax: 410-347-0513

Gail L. Marshall

Phone: 410-347-5220
Fax: 410-347-0513

Linda R. Riina

Phone: 410-347-9891
Fax: 410-347-0513

Click here to download our Estate and Trust Planning Information.

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